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Faculty Advisor
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Start Date
18-4-2024 8:30 AM
With prices rising, farmers are looking to cut costs in any way possible. Modern farming methods can aid these farmers in their operation costs. Nutrition being the direct relation to meat yields our focus turns to feed consumption. Feed being the largest expense farmers face, they must find cost effective ways to feed their cattle. Grazing forages make up most of the Cows' diet, for profits to go up we must look down. Cattles’s grazing period depend a lot on the weather, with native warm season grasses are dormant during the winter the nutritional benefits go down with it as well. Winter crop introduction helps promote a longer grazing period. The longer the grazing period, the less a farmer spends on importing feed for their cattle, plus giving them live green forages. When used with modern practices such as No-Till farming, live winter plants can carry beneficial factors for the soil as well. Some of the benefits from No-Till practices with winter grasses can include improved drainage and better topsoil conservation.
Recommended Citation
Greene, Dalton; Broyles, Tanner; and Pearson, Dillon, "Would It Be More Cost Effective for Arkansas Tech to Plant Winter Crop to Extend Grazing Periods Using No-Till Practices?" (2024). ATU Research Symposium. 6.
Would It Be More Cost Effective for Arkansas Tech to Plant Winter Crop to Extend Grazing Periods Using No-Till Practices?
With prices rising, farmers are looking to cut costs in any way possible. Modern farming methods can aid these farmers in their operation costs. Nutrition being the direct relation to meat yields our focus turns to feed consumption. Feed being the largest expense farmers face, they must find cost effective ways to feed their cattle. Grazing forages make up most of the Cows' diet, for profits to go up we must look down. Cattles’s grazing period depend a lot on the weather, with native warm season grasses are dormant during the winter the nutritional benefits go down with it as well. Winter crop introduction helps promote a longer grazing period. The longer the grazing period, the less a farmer spends on importing feed for their cattle, plus giving them live green forages. When used with modern practices such as No-Till farming, live winter plants can carry beneficial factors for the soil as well. Some of the benefits from No-Till practices with winter grasses can include improved drainage and better topsoil conservation.