Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series | Online Research Commons at Arkansas Tech University

Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

ATU Journal of Student Research (Student Research and Publications)

Created to showcase current outstanding student research at Arkansas Tech University the ATU Journal of Student Research is a bi-annual, online, open access, mentor and peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal.

NEBO: A Literary Journal

Nebo: A Literary Journal began publication as the Five Cent Cigar in 1971 and took its current name during the 1982-1983 academic year. Nebo routinely publishes Arkansas Tech students and unpublished writers alongside nationally known writers.

The journal, edited and staffed entirely by students at Arkansas Tech, has won awards at the Arkansas College Media Awards for poetry, fiction, and art. Nebo is published twice yearly, in the spring and fall semesters, and accepts submissions of poetry and short prose fiction between August 15 and January 31 of each year.