Date of Award

Spring 5-19-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Emergency Management & Homeland Security


Emergency Management


College of Engineering & Applied Science

Committee Chair

Dr. Sandy Smith


The purpose of this research was to determine if teaching preparedness to children will better prepare them in the event of a disaster. Children have been the target audience for several campaigns in the past. By introducing disaster awareness into the schools, it is hoped, like in other campaigns, that children will take the knowledge obtained and share that information to family and friends. This study was significant to the field of emergency management due to the need of providing the general public with the necessary information and resources that could potentially save lives. As a result of this study, it has been found that children who were introduced to disaster preparedness did in fact increase their overall knowledge pertaining to disaster preparedness. This was evident by comparing the participants’ pre- and post-test scores. Although there are multiple organizations trying to reach as many children as possible through various programs, disaster preparedness is not currently found in every school across the United States. By introducing disaster preparedness in the schools, children are ensured exposure to this life saving information. In addition, the children are potentially the link between the information and the rest of the family by being the best resource for reaching as many people as possible.
