Date of Award

Spring 5-16-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Emergency Management & Homeland Security


Emergency Management


College of Engineering & Applied Science

Committee Chair

Dr. Sandy Smith


Planning for the resumption of the educational process in Arkansas public schools should be a part of every school’s emergency continuity plan. The purpose of this study was to examine how public schools in Northeast Arkansas are prepared for a situation where education must resume outside of normal circumstances due to an emergency. A literature review determined that all Arkansas schools are required to have some form of continuity plan for their students, but the requirements are not always enforced or punishable if neglected. This creates an opportunity for school continuity plans to be disregarded and planning may only include the absolute basic requirements. For this study, in order to gain an idea of how Northeast Arkansas public schools are preparing for continuity after an emergency, a qualitative and quantitative method was used to study how schools are ready to resume the learning process after an emergency has disrupted normal day-to-day functions. If any of the participating schools in Northeast Arkansas were lacking a proper plan, the study should have encouraged those participants to take a closer look at their continuity plans where it concerns the resumption of the educational process.
