Arkansas Tech University Theses and Dissertations from 2020 | Arkansas Tech University

This is a collection of electronic theses and dissertations submitted to the Graduate College of Arkansas Tech University in 2020.


Theses/Dissertations from 2020


A Unique Type of Loneliness: Infertility in Nineteenth-Century America, Abigail Butler


Adding It Up: The Effects of Math Curriculum on Third and Fourth Grade ACT Aspire Math Scores in Arkansas, Rebecca Cook


The Republican Party: A Narrative of Good and Evil, Lawrence Cranor


Predictive Ability of Multiple Factors on Secondary Students' ACT Scores at a Large Suburban High School, Jonathon Glen Guthrie


Voices of the Mentors: An Examination of Perceptions and Meaning-Making of Mentors in a Site-Based Program, Sheila R. Jacobs


Effects of Management Efforts on Fledging Success of Endangered Interior Least Terns (Sternula antillarum athalassos) on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System in Arkansas, Trevor N. Jensen


Comparative Spatial and Behavioral Ecology of the Prairie Lizard Sceloporus Consobrinus in the Arkansas River Valley, E. A. Free Kashon


The Perceptions and Experiences of School-Based Mental Health Professionals in 9-12 Schools in Arkansas, Teri L. Morris


The Impact of Suspension on the Academic Performance of Middle School Students, Jennifer Nelson


Preceptor Training: A Quantitative Study to Determine the Effectiveness of a Formal Preceptor Training Program for Medical-Surgical Nurse Preceptors, Jessica L. Strickland


The Impacts of Prescribed Burning and Mechanical Thinning on Insect Communities in the Arkansas Ozarks, Aaron P. Tormanen


Alternative Learning Environments as a Tool for Student Success for Struggling Learners in Northwest Arkansas School Districts, Steven Lee Watkins


The Perceptions of Instructional Leaders and Teachers Regarding the Factors that Lead to Positive Climate in Middle Schools, Emma L. Watson


Prevalence of Workplace Violence Towards Nurses in Acute Care Adolescent Mental Health, Jennifer Yarberry