Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in School Leadership


Center for Leadership & Learning


College of Education

Committee Chair

Sarah Gordon, PhD

Second Committee Member

Pam Dixon, PhD

Third Committee Member

Tony Jones, EdD

Program Director

John A. Freeman, PhD

Dean of Graduate College

Sarah Gordon, PhD


As the student population across the country becomes more diverse (Bryant et al., 2017) and the teacher population remains relatively consistent with little diversity (NCES, 2013), a better understanding of how male students of color are perceived, interact and relate with their White teachers become necessary to ensure their academic success. The purpose of this study is to study the perceptions male students of color have of their White teachers. The following research questions are utilized to explore the lived experiences of 10 high school male students of color in Northwest Arkansas: (1) How do high school male students of color describe their relationships with their White teachers? (2) How do high school male students of color describe their experiences with their White teachers? (3) According to high school male students of color, how can White teachers best serve them? The purpose of the qualitative methods approach is to reveal and comprehend occurrences in a given context without attempting to infer causality (Edmonds & Kennedy, 2013). The 10 participants were interviewed and each was asked to share an artifact that relates to their lived experiences as a high school male student of color. The findings of this study are noteworthy because they have the potential to affect teacher education and training, as well as teacher recruitment, as well as increase intrinsic motivation and functionality in students.

Keywords: White teachers, male students of color
