This is a collection of electronic theses and dissertations submitted to the Graduate College of Arkansas Tech University.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Teacher Effects on English Language Acquisition of English Language Learners in Arkansas Schools, Benjamin Darley
Influence of Sex and Habitat Structure on Morphology, Predation, and Survival of Sceloporus Consobrinus, in Central Arkansas, Anju Ghimirey
Interior Least Terns (Sternula antillarum athalassos) in a Landscape of Fear: Explaining Predator Frequency on Sandbars Using Habitat Features, Carice N. Kimbrell
Reproductive Success and Post-Fledging Ecology of the American Robin (Turdus migratorius) in Suburban Areas of the Arkansas River Valley, Brandon Maiersperger
Overcoming the Achievement Gap: Arkansas' Utilization of Weighted Student Funding to Support Students of Poverty, Michael G. McFetridge
The Inclusive Movement: An Examination of High-Poverty and Low-Poverty School Districts in Arkansas, Latrenda Miller-Mills
Professional Learning Communities During The Pandemic, Elizabeth Nichols
Understanding the Relationship Between How the Availability of Vaping Devices and Student Use Are Related: A Quantitative Study, Felicia L. Owen
The Impact of Electronic Health Record Unintended Consequences on Quality of Care Within a High Complexity Healthcare Organization, JoEtta Powell
Rogers, Arkansas: The Impact of The Frisco, Jeffrey Weaver
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Arkansas Elementary Administrators' Perceptions of Determining Teacher Proficiency in the Science of Reading, Jennifer Barbaree
Disaster Preparedness Levels Among Firefighters, Shelby G. Coonts
Little Rock’s Unique Political Opportunities for Black Arkansans, 1865-1905, Isaac J. Cross
A Phenomenological Examination of the Lived Experiences of African American Female Superintendents in the State of Arkansas, Debra Denise Goodwin Myton
Examining the Perceptions of African American Students in Regards to Disciplinary Policies and Procedures, Sylvia A. Grady
Analyzing the Relationship Between Aid Agencies and the Union Army in Civil War Arkansas from 1862 to 1865, Kimberly Green
Gifted and Talented Student Performance on State Achievement Tests, Dondre Harris
Determining the Preparedness of Nursing Programs and Faculty for the Next Generation NCLEX-RN, Heather Hartness
Impact of Forest Management on Ozark Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) Prey and Foraging Ecology, Gemma L. Marsh
Perceptions of Nature-Based Educators: A Phenomenological Study, Jessica D. Mashburn
Leaders Reflect on Alternative Learning Environments: Resources Needed to Ensure Student Success, Willie Heath Miller
Distribution and Habitat Associations of the Georgia Satyr (Neonympha Areolatus) in Arkansas, Kristi Patterson
Student Willingness to Report Weapons and School Violence at a Rural Secondary School in Arkansas: A Quantitative Study, Travis Poole
An Investigation of the Response by Arkansas Administrators to Students Vaping in Their Schools, Andrew Schroeder
The Effect of Attendance on the Academic Performance of Black Male Fourth-Grade Students in One Central Arkansas School District, Micheal Stone
The Relationship Between Student Engagement And ACT Aspire Reading Scores Among Ninth-Grade Students In One Northwest Arkansas Junior High School, Dwight Vincent Jr.
The Unheard Voices of the Arkansas Delta: Living Through School Desegregation, Tameka D. Williams
The Impact of Road Crossings on Karst Headwater Streams in Northwest Arkansas, Anthony M. Zenga
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Teachers’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Professional Learning Communities and the Relationship to Student Achievement, Marian Arnett
The Relationship Between Length of Principal Tenure and Student Achievement in Central Arkansas Elementary Schools, Valencia Essel
Examining Teacher Self-Efficacy of General Educators in Inclusive Settings in Northwest Arkansas Secondary Schools, Marleah Hannaford
A Descriptive Pilot Study on Travel Nurses' Risk of Burnout During The COVID- 19 Pandemic, LaShanda Head
Understanding the Perceptions of African American High School Students on the Development of Student-Teacher Relationships, Michael Hensley
Student Engagement With One-To-One Devices In The Classroom And Reading Achievement, Jennifer L. Hignite
Students of Color Perceptions of Their Relationship with White Teachers, Shawn T. Hinkle
Public School Nurse to Student Ratios: Does it Affect Absenteeism?, Laura Beth Hobbs
Feminism, Femininity, and Arkansas First Ladies: Hillary Rodham Clinton and Janet McCain Huckabee, Spencer A. Hurlbut
The Relationship Between the Implementation of Freshman Academies and Student Achievement in Math, English, and Science for Schools in Arkansas, Tonjuna L. Iverson
A Genetic Evaluation of the Impacts of Dams on Sauger Movement Patterns in the Arkansas River, Emily R. Jonagan
Dialysis Patient Education on the Prevention of Kidney Disease Prior to Patients Receiving Dialysis: A Retrospective Descriptive Study, Jamie D. Jones
Teacher Preference in Professional Development, Cheri L. Keyes
The Impact of Mindfulness Practices in Teachers, Shawn M. Martin Hettinga
Does an Educational Intervention for Registered Nurses Improve Comprehension and Accuracy of Scoring the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Tool on Newborns?, Michelle Porter
School Climate and Teacher Self- Efficacy: Teacher's Perspectives, Jennifer Prado
The Impact of Virtual Learning Modalities on the Academic Success of Students in One Arkansas School District, Diane F. Richards
The Impact of the Science of Reading Training on the NWEA Map Test Scores of Elementary African American Students in a Central Arkansas School District, Katina Simpson-Ray
A Descriptive Study on the Perceived Barriers to Academic Progression from LPN to RN, Rebekah B. Snyder
Home Health Workplace Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Analysis of Home Health Agencies in Arkansas, Kelly M. Neal Taylor
A Shared Language: An Examination of School Interaction Experiences of Hispanic ELL Students in Northwest Arkansas, Tricia Tice
A Mixed-Method Study Comparing Staff Nurse and Nurse Manager Perceptions of Fairness related to Scheduling, Self-Scheduling, and Scheduling Incentives as Motivators, Alicia B. Workman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Predictive Ability of NWEA MAP Tests for ACT Aspire at Rivercrest High School, Harry Gilbert Alvis
Representation of African American/Black Men Educators in K-12 Public Schools: Impact on Recruitment, Retention, and Responsibilities to Education, TeKyesha Gault Anderson
"I am a Arkansas Man:" An Analysis of African-American Masculinity in Antebellum Arkansas, Tye Boudra-Bland
Secondary Teacher Attitudes Targeting Inclusion of English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms, Jacquelin Drusilla Buttram-Brownell
Perceptions of High Achieving High School Students Regarding the Professionalization of Teaching and Their Interest in Becoming Teachers, Jonathan Crossley
Intentional International Presence of United Nation's Locations, Kelsea Nicole DuVall
Principals' Perceptions of Manifestation Determination Implementation and Disciplining Secondary Students with Disabilities, Felicia Florez
Influence of DRD4 Receptor Gene Polymorphism on Aspirational Quality and Approach Motivation, Harry Henry-Ojo
Student Perceptions Toward Intentional Empathy Curriculum in the High School English Classroom, Heather Thompson Hooks
Mental Health and the Potential Effect on Student Achievement in Ninth Grade Students in Arkansas, Luke Lovins
The Effects of “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” and Teacher Job Satisfaction in an Arkansas Elementary School Setting, Caroline Mildred Nail
Mindfulness Sessions For The Prevention of Compassion Fatigue in Pediatric Oncology Nurses, Sara Neal
Overwinter Ecology of Rusty Blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus) in Arkansas, Araks Ohanyan
Smallmouth Bass Feeding Dynamics and Growth in Headwater Streams of the Interior Highlands, Brandon C. Plunkett
Examining Teacher Perceptions of District Policies on Teacher Absenteeism in Arkansas, Tyler Stephen Reed
Determining the Psychosocial Needs of the Nurses of COVID-19 Patients, Allison Stevens
The Effect of Increased Recess Time on the Academic Achievement of Elementary Students, Mark A. Taylor
The Impact of Mentorship Programs on the Behaviors of Fifth-Grade African American Male Students, Scot Tyler
Policies and Practices Regarding Transgender Students According to Arkansas School Administrators, Matthew L. White