"The Influence of Cognitive Trust and Familiarity on Adoption and Conti" by Efosa C. Idemudia and Mahesh S. Raisinghani

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School of Business


In the information-driven and application rich environment of smartphones, power is closer to the user than ever before and it has the potential of helping them become more effective and efficient. Smartphones have become increasingly important for companies to create strategic opportunities and competitive advantage by adding value for its stakeholders and improving efficiency. Technological advances in smartphones have led to increased mobile applications and implications for theory and practice since they create strategic opportunities and competitive advantage by adding value for customers and improving efficiency through the use of mobile technologies. Understanding the factors that influence the continuance in usage of smartphones in globally distributed teams is extremely helpful because knowledge on how to balance requirements and strategic interests effectively is extremely scarce in existing business model literature. To date, there are no published studies that have investigated the influence of cognitive trust and familiarity on smartphone continuance usage. To fill this gap in the literature, we developed our model based on the Visual Perception Theories as its theoretical foundation. Our model indicates that both familiarity with a smartphone and cognitive trust in integrity of a smartphone have a positive and significant effect on smartphone continuance usage. Also, our study shows factors that influence smartphone continuance usage through cognitive trust. These findings support the Visual Perception Theories.

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15435962, 19416679


CSUSB ScholarWorks © 2022

Original Citation:

Idemudia, E., & Raisinghani,, M. S. (2014). The Influence of Cognitive Trust and Familiarity on Adoption and Continued Use of Smartphones: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 23 (2), 69-94. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/jitim/vol23/iss2/6/

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