"Assessment of an Individualized, Self-Contained System in Electrical C" by Edward Carl Greco Jr. and James D. Reasoner

Assessment of an Individualized, Self-Contained System in Electrical Circuits Laboratory

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Engineering & Computing Sciences


A pilot study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of a teaching protocol employing an individualized, self-contained laboratory system for instruction in a fundamental electrical circuits laboratory. For purpose of evaluation, students were divided into two academically matched groups. The control group utilized traditional laboratory equipment and performed their weekly laboratory assignments as two member teams. The study group used the Electronics ExplorerTM Board (EEBoard) from Digilent to perform their weekly laboratory assignments individually at a time and location of their preference. The students were evaluated based on their individual performance on a final laboratory practicum exam which provided a metric of their acquired and retained laboratory knowledge and proficiency. The students who participated in the study group performed at a higher level on the final lab practicum than did the control …

Publication Title

ASEE Midwest Conference Proceedings

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