This is the home of a collection of faculty scholarship and creative works from the Department of English & World Languages at Arkansas Tech University.

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Books from 2022

A Clubbable Man Essays on Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture in Honor of Greg Clingham, Anthony W. Lee

Lost in the Long March, Michael X. Wang

Submissions from 2020

The rhinoceros and the logician: Administration in the pandemic, Jeff Cass and Erin Clair

Hearne, roper, more, and rambler 71, Anthony W. Lee

Submissions from 2019

Subversive strategies: Silence and the assumed in Primaveras and La historia oficial, Alejandra K. Carballo

Johnson’s “French Authors”: Rambler 5 and 87, Anthony W. Lee

Neæra's tangled hair: Johnson, Hammond, and Milton's Lycidas, Anthony W. Lee

Posthumanist Swift: Cyborgs and “A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG NYMPH GOING TO BED”, Anthony W. Lee

Samuel Johnson, Chesterfield, and Rambler 153, Anthony W. Lee

Two New Allusions: Samuel Johnson and the Book of Common Prayer, Boswell, and Apollonius of Rhodes, Anthony W. Lee

“Yonder Bank”: Milton’s SAMSON AGONISTES and Spenser’s JULYE, Anthony W. Lee

Submissions from 2018

A new Johnson self-quotation in the dictionary, Anthony W. Lee

Bucknell university press, 1996-2016: Two decades of eighteenth-century scholarship, Anthony W. Lee

Dryden, Pope, and Milton in Gay's rural sports and Johnson's dictionary, Anthony W. Lee

Samuel Johnson and Milton's 'mighty bone', Anthony W. Lee

Samuel Johnson, Richard Glover, and 'Hosier's ghost', Anthony W. Lee

Posthumanism in Young Adult Fiction: Finding Humanity in a Posthuman World, Anita Tarr and Donna R. White

Mockney Arfur: Class and reviewer reception of Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, A. Arwen Taylor

Between Generations: Collaborative Authorship in the Golden Age of Children’s Literature (Book Review), Donna R. White

Finding Beatrix Potter: Bryan Talbot’s The Tale of One Bad Rat, Donna R. White


Nonsense Elements in Jane Austen’s Juvenilia, Donna R. White

Posthumanism in The House of the Scorpion and The Lord of Opium, Donna R. White

Submissions from 2017

Look, my lord, it comes': Ghostly silences in the boswell/ johnson archive, Anthony W. Lee

Witnessing the trauma of our town, Robert Vork

Submissions from 2016


Is There a Doctor in the House?: Rudyard Kipling’s Private Message to Arthur Conan Doyle in ‘The House Surgeon’, Donna R. White

Submissions from 2014

The hybrid homage: Nathan Englander's what we talk about when we talk about Anne Frank, Emily Hoffman

Submissions from 2013

Silencing violence: Repetition and revolution in Mother Courage and Her Children, Robert Vork

Things That no one can say: The unspeakable act in Artaud's les Cenci, Robert Vork

First Opinion: Boy or Beast? (Book Review of The Creature from the Seventh Grade: Boy or Beast), Donna R. White

Landscape in Children's Literature (Book Review), Donna R. White

Peter Pan's Shadows in the Literary Imagination (Book Review), Donna R. White

Submissions from 2012

Living According to Nature: Roman Stoicism in The Wind in the Willows, Donna R. White

Submissions from 2011

Preso sin nombre celda sin número: Symbolic inversions and the upside down world, Alejandra K. Carballo

One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle and Orson Scott Card (Book Review), Donna R. White

Books from 2010

Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows: A Children’s Classic at 100, Jackie C. Horne and Donna R. White

Epiphany and the spiritual quest in Tom Jones, Anthony W. Lee

Mentoring and mimicry in Boswell's Life of Johnson, Anthony W. Lee

Submissions from 2007

Between amateurism and professionalism: Hybridity and transculturation in Las de Barranco by Gregorio de Laferrère, Alejandra K. Carballo

Books from 2006

Communicating Humor in E. Nesbit’s Fantasy Trilogy, Donna R. White

J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan: In and Out of Time, Donna R. White and Anita Tarr

Submissions from 2002

Fuller and catholics at home and abroad: Notes toward a transnational antebellum ethnic history, Paola Gemme

Diana Wynne Jones: An Exciting and Exacting Wisdom, Teya Rosenberg, Martha P. Hixon, Sharon M. Scapple, and Donna R. White

Living in Limbo: The Homeward Bounders as a Metaphor for Military Childhood, Donna R. White

Science Fiction, Children’s Literature, and Popular Culture: Coming of Age in Fantasyland (Book Review), Donna R. White

Submissions from 2001

A Stranger Shore: A Critical Introduction to the Work of Mollie Hunter, by Betty Greenway, and Susan Cooper (Book Review), Donna R. White

Back in the spaceship again: juvenile science fiction series since 1945 (Book Review), Donna R. White

Villainy in the Social Fantasies of Carol Kendall, Donna R. White

Submissions from 2000

Young Adult Science Fiction (Book Review), Donna R. White

Books from 1999

Dancing with Dragons: Ursula K. Le Guin and the Critics, Donna R. White

Books from 1998

A Century of Welsh Myth in Children’s Literature, Donna R. White

Submissions from 1997

Searching for Grace in Children’s Fantasy (Book Review of The Natural History of Make-Believe), Donna R. White

Submissions from 1996

The Further Crimes of Lady Charlotte Guest, Donna R. White

Submissions from 1995

Burrowing into The Borrowers (Book Review of Mary Norton), Donna R. White

The Crimes of Lady Charlotte Guest, Donna R. White

Submissions from 1994

The Game Plan of The Hunting of the Snark, Donna R. White

Books from 1993

Labyrinth: Jim Henson’s ‘Game’ of Children’s Literature and Film, Donna R. White

Submissions from 1991

Welsh Legends Through English Eyes: An American Viewpoint, Donna R. White

Submissions from 1988

Priestess and Goddess: Evolution of Human Consciousness in The Greater Trumps, Donna R. White