The creation and inauguration of engineering leadership: UTEP and Olin College innovation project

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Mechanical Engineering


The Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering (Olin College) and The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) are partnering in a project to create a new engineering program that educates career-ready engineering innovators while simultaneously increasing recruitment and retention among historically underrepresented students. Through the Olin-UTEP Partnership for Change: Adoption and Adaptation of Innovative Practices for 21st Century Engineering project, supported by the Department of Education and the Argosy Foundation, UTEP is pioneering a novel undergraduate engineering leadership program (E-Lead), focused on innovation, collaboration, communication, and human-centered engineering embedded in rigorous technical education. The program is being modeled on the curriculum and pedagogy of Olin College, a private, highly selective engineering college respected and nationally recognized for its premier innovative engineering education. The adaptation to UTEP is of national interest, since UTEP is a public, urban institution with a 21 -century demographic [1] and successful transformation of Olin approaches to UTEP can demonstrate scalable impact broadly pertinent to many other commuter campuses and public institutions. By conveying these approaches to UTEP, a minority institution serving a largely Hispanic population in the region of Texas with the lowest median income [2], we aim to demonstrably adapt and scale successful innovation-supportive pedagogies to meet important national needs for a diverse and empowered 21st century engineering sciences workforce.



Publication Title

Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE




At the time of publication, Richard T. Schoephoerster was affiliated with The University of Texas at El Paso.

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