"A case study of fluidized-bed combustion of wood/coal mixtures. Part A" by Wayne A. Helmer, Douglas D. Stokke et al.

A case study of fluidized-bed combustion of wood/coal mixtures. Part A. The effect of wood particle size

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Mechanical Engineering


Cofiring wood with coal provides many advantages compared to burning each fuel individually. The effects of cofiring these fuels has not been adequately studied. In the present study, debarked silver maple wood was supplied from a short-rotation biomass farm. This fuel was burned simultaneously with high sulfur (3%) Illinois bituminous coal in a small-diameter fluidized bed combustor. Emissions of SO 2 were reduced slightly as the percentage of wood in the mixture was increased. Wood particle size difference had little effect on emissions of oxides of nitrogen. Combustion temperature and excess air level are probably more crucial combustion parameters with respect to SO 2 and NO x emissions generated.

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Publication Title

Forest Products Journal


At the time of publication, Wayne A. Helmer was affiliated with Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

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