"Vortex shedding in steady flow through an axisymmetric model of arteri" by Richard T. Schoephoerster, Carlos Gutierrez et al.

Vortex shedding in steady flow through an axisymmetric model of arterial stenosis and its relevance to mural platelet deposition

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Mechanical Engineering


The development of unsteady vortical formations in the separated flow region downstream of the stenosis throat is compared with the platelet deposition measurements to enhance the understanding of the mechanisms involved in platelet kinetics in flowing blood. Qualitative and quantitative flow visualization is carried out in a model of a streamlined axisymmetric stenosis with an upstream tube diameter of 9.5 cm, an area reduction of 84% at the throat stenosis, and a stenosis length of four diameters. Measurements are performed at Reynolds numbers (Re) ranging from 300 to 1800. The phenomenon of periodic shedding of vortices in the separated region downstream of the stenosis throat began at approximately Re=375 and continued for the full range of studied Re.

Publication Title

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED


At the time of publication, Richard T. Schoephoerster was affiliated with Florida International University.

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