Numerical simulations of diastolic flow patterns in a model left ventricle with varying degrees of mitral stenosis

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Mechanical Engineering


Blood flow patterns in the left ventricle are undoubtedly influenced by the physical and mechanical state of the natural mitral valve apparatus or the geometry of an artifical valve replacement. We have performed a numerical simulation of flow in a two dimensional model of the left atrium and ventricle. The numerical solutions were obtained by discretizing the governing differential equations using the finite analytic method. Solutions are obtained for a 'normal' model and a 'stenotic' model of the mitral valve. Qualitatively, the stenotic valve produced a much narrower jet and a somewhat weaker vortex on the aortic side of the left ventricular chamber. These slight differences seen here early in diastole will become more dramatic as the ventricular cavity expands and the flow and thus Reynolds number increases as diastole continues. These preliminary results are encouraging, and thus warrant further study including expanding to three dimensions.

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Publication Title

Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics




At the time of publication, Richard T. Schoephoerster was affiliated with Florida International University.

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