A proposed hardware in the loop gimbal platform that supports an applied graduate controls course

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Mechanical Engineering


This paper investigates the premises of a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) platform that supports a graduate controls course and consolidates the lecture and laboratory. Hardware in the loop has been used in industry and is now an integral part of academia. The course being considered at the Arkansas Tech University (ATU) is unique due to a concentrated effort on the emphasis of the software/ hardware interfaces specific to engineering applications, and avoids pure theoretical modeling and development in its course content. Based upon further investigations forthcoming, this hardware/laboratory development at ATU being proposed focuses on opportunities for further course development and student interaction in the classroom environment. The course development also coincides with the interests of industry and supports a graduate program that is limited in coure offerings. © 2017, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved.



Publication Title

AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2017



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