Combustion characteristics of inedible vegetable oil biodiesel fuels

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Mechanical Engineering


Energy crisis and environmental issues related to fossil fuel consumption have emerged as a concern for scientific societies. Biodiesel has been introduced as an acceptable source of energy to substitute fossil fuels. In general, vegetable oils and their derivatives known as biodiesel have been applied successfully in energy generation purposes. Technically, biodiesel provides some advantages in terms of pollutant formation and power generation in comparison with conventional diesel fuel. In addition to being an indigenous and renewable supply, biodiesel reduces toxic emissions, and majority of engine performance and fuel consumption are comparable with the use of conventional fuels. In this paper various aspects of inedible oil utilization in engine and energy generation is studied. Economy, combustion characteristics and pollution formation of some inedible oil namely Jatropha, Karanja, Jojoba, Cottonseed, Mahua Oil and Rice bran Oil are investigated. © 2014 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.



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Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)


At the time of publication, Seyed Ehsan Hosseini was affiliated with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

This is an open access article.

Original Citation:

Hosseini, S. e., Wahid, M., Ramesh, F., Mohajeri, H., & Tajbakhsh, B. (2014). Combustion characteristics of inedible vegetable oil biodiesel fuels. Journal Teknologi. 6(2): 157-162. doi: 10.11113/jt.v66.2503.

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