Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in School Leadership


Center for Leadership & Learning


College of Education

Committee Chair

Dr. John Freeman

Second Committee Member

Dr. Catherine Nichols

Third Committee Member

Dr. Barry Owen

Program Director

Dr. John Freeman

Dean of Graduate College

Dr. Jeff Robertson


The purpose of this study was to gauge the effectiveness of the Arkansas Department of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) College and Career Coaches, also referred to as, College and Career Facilitators. The focus of these Facilitators is to specifically target middle and high school students who are most in need of college and career planning services (Arkansas Department of Career Education, 2016a). This study focused on investigating the impact CTE Facilitators were having on increasing CTE program Completer numbers and helping the students to develop a path to pursue upon graduation by analyzing the perceptions of students. The student population engaged in this research study was comprised of program Completers and high school graduates from the 2017 school year who have received CTE counseling from grades eight through 12. The location of the study was an urban school district in Arkansas. The school district is comprised of 26 schools: 19 elementary schools, four middle schools, and two high schools, totaling 14,341 students. The two high schools within the district had a combined enrollment of 3,228 students and produced a combined 906 graduates, in the 2017 school year. Using archived data and a survey instrument, the researcher sought to answer three questions: What are the similarities and differences in CTE Completers? What are the students’ perceptions of CTE Facilitators and the assistance and support they provide them to become program Completers? What are the students’ perceptions of their CTE Facilitators and the assistance and support they provide them to develop a career path, or interest, to pursue upon graduation? The archived data was collected from the district of study’s CTE director. Using “Descriptive Data Analysis,” the researcher compared the school year 2011 (the last year prior to the CTE Facilitators implementation) and the school year 2017 (the first graduating class to complete the entire CTE Facilitator program). The qualitative survey data were analyzed using the Constant-Comparative Method to determine if themes arose related to the students’ perceptions of their CTE Facilitators.
