"Dialysis Patient Education on the Prevention of Kidney Disease Prior t" by Jamie D. Jones

Date of Award

Spring 5-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing Administration and Emergency Management




College of Natural & Health Sciences

Committee Chair

Dr. Shelly Randall

Second Committee Member

Dr. Jennifer Helms

Third Committee Member

Dr. Cheryl Monfee

Program Director

Dr. Jennifer Helms

Dean of Graduate College

Dr. Sarah Gordon


Fifty-two adult patients at an outpatient dialysis center in central Arkansas were surveyed regarding the education that was provided by medical professionals related to kidney disease and dialysis during treatment of hypertension and diabetes. The twenty-question survey inquired about demographic information, medical history, and the timing and perceived comprehension of education received. The researcher discovered that the majority of patients did not receive education that identified hypertension and diabetes as contributing factors of kidney disease until after diagnosis of kidney disease. The vast majority of participants reported that education regarding the life implications of dialysis, including fluid and dietary restrictions, daily medication requirements, and time requirements of treatments, did not occur until after diagnosis of ESRD and initiation of dialysis. This study identified a deficiency in education practices regarding kidney disease and dialysis during the medical treatment of hypertension and diabetes. Improvement of education practices would improve patient comprehension of the life implications of ESRD and dialysis and may help to prevent kidney disease or slow progression of existing disease in some patients. Limitations of the study include a small convenience sample, and potential for recall bias related to self-report by participants. Implications for future research include survey administration to patients currently undergoing medical treatment of hypertension and diabetes, and long-term studies to evaluate effectiveness in education materials in the prevention or slowed progression of kidney disease.
