"Mindfulness Sessions For The Prevention of Compassion Fatigue in Pedia" by Sara Neal

Date of Award

Spring 4-9-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing Administration and Emergency Management



Committee Chair

Shelly Randall, PhD, RN

Second Committee Member

Terri McKown, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC

Third Committee Member

Jennifer Helms, PhD, RN

Program Director

Jennifer Helms, PhD, RN

Dean of Graduate College

Dr. Richard Schoephoerster


Over the last several years, compassion fatigue (CF) has been considered one of the main reasons that nurses choose to leave the bedside and the profession. While many healthcare organizations recognize the problems that are associated with CF, only a few have worked towards preventing it. An intervention that has shown promise of aiding nurses with CF is mindfulness. The purpose of this quantitative pretest-posttest design was to focus on the effects of the Koru® Mindfulness program with CF and resilience in pediatric oncology nurses. Data collected from the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) v.5 and the Brief Resilience Scale distributed to a convenience sample of pediatric oncology nurses that belonged to a closed Facebook® group. Informed consent obtained on all participants prior to enrollment into the Koru® course. All 9 of the 11 pediatric oncology nurses completed both the pre and post surveys. Results showed statistically significant improvements in CF, specifically burnout and secondary trauma, for pediatric oncology nurses. Results showed improvements in resilience and compassion satisfaction, but not statistically significant. These findings support the use of the Koru® mindfulness sessions for pediatric oncology nurses for compassion fatigue.
