"Home Health Workplace Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sec" by Kelly M. Neal Taylor

Date of Award

Winter 12-14-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing Administration and Emergency Management




College of Natural & Health Sciences

Committee Chair

Dr. Jennifer Helms

Second Committee Member

Dr. Shelly Randall

Third Committee Member

Dr. Cheryl Monfee

Fourth Committee Member

Dr. Terri McKown

Dean of Graduate College

Dr. Sarah Gordon



Workplace safety is a continual concern for home healthcare workers that provide medical care in a patient’s home environment. Healthcare workers, such as registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and nursing aides, make up the largest group of home care providers. Before the COVID-19 Pandemic, home healthcare providers had to navigate job safety issues related to clutter in the home, unsanitary conditions, pest infestations, fumes, pets, and aggressive family members (Gershon et al., 2008). The pandemic brought about additional safety concerns, such as the implementation of isolation policies and limited supplies of personal protective equipment, to name a few. This cross-sectional descriptive analysis of home health agencies in Arkansas aimed to identify workplace safety issues experienced by home healthcare workers. A convenience sample of (N=14) of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and home health aides were recruited from home health agencies in Central and South Arkansas. Participants completed a 25-question survey that assessed home healthcare providers’ workplace safety issues. Conclusively, the Home Healthcare Workplace Safety During the Covid-19 Pandemic Survey confirmed that home healthcare nurses and aides do experience significant workplace safety issues while providing care during the Covid-19 Pandemic. These safety issues are present despite positive findings related to worker satisfaction with the administrative structure and process of the employing agency and managers.

Keywords: COVID- 19; home healthcare; workplace safety; nurses; home care aides
