Educators’ Use of Technology in Arkansas Public Schools

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Teaching & Educational Leadership


This study investigated the use of technology in Arkansas Public Schools (APS) surveying educators on four issues: (1) availability and frequency of technology use in schools and homes; (2) types of technology used in schools and homes; (3) effects of technology on educators’ teaching and administrative work; and (4) ways educators are prepared to use technology. Findings showed that the sharp “digital divide” based on unequal access to computers in schools across the state has decreased, but more work is needed for all teachers to access school technologies in rich and productive ways. APS educators expressed that using technology to create and deliver lessons helps them in teaching and completing administrative work, saves them time, and allows them to focus on teaching. They indicated that creating communities of learners to share ideas about technology have much greater influence on their practices than either professional development activities or technology coordinator consultation.

Publication Title

Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators (ArATE) Electronic Journal
