"Assessing the Effect of Flipping the Teaching Strategy on Preservice T" by Mohamed Ibrahim and Rebecca Callaway Ed. D.

Assessing the Effect of Flipping the Teaching Strategy on Preservice Teachers' Academic Achievement and Perception in a Technology Course

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Teaching & Educational Leadership


The purpose of this study was to investigate the implications of the use of flipped teaching strategy on preservice teachers’ learning outcomes, self-efficacy and perception. The investigators employed a within-subject design with independent variable: the teaching method (flipped-based (FB) or lecture-based (LB) and two dependent variables: (1) learning outcome (2) students’ perception of self-efficacy to integrate technology in teaching. The results showed that there were differences between students’ mean test scores and the differences were statistically significant (higher in FB). The results also showed that students’ self-efficacy mean scores were higher after using FB compared to LB and the differences were statistically significant. Finally, preservice teachers favor the use of FB strategy in technology integration course compared to the LB (452 in favor vs. 104 not in favor), (62.90% in favor vs.14.50% not in favor).

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Publication Title

Proceedings of SITE 2015--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference


Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)



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