"Examining the Effect of Flipped Teaching Strategy on Preservice Teache" by Mohamed Ibrahim and Rebecca Callaway Ed. D.

Examining the Effect of Flipped Teaching Strategy on Preservice Teachers’ Academic Achievement and Self-efficacy in a Face-to-Face Course

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Teaching & Educational Leadership


The purpose of this study was to investigate the implications of the use of flipped teaching strategy on preservice teachers’ learning outcomes, self-efficacy and perception. The investigators employed a within-subject design with independent variable: the teaching method (flipped-based (FB) or lecture-based (LB) and two dependent variables: (1) learning outcome (2) students’ perception of self-efficacy to integrate technology in teaching. The participants were 60 preservice teachers (39 undergraduates, 21 graduates, average age 22-25 years). The results showed that there were differences between students’ mean test scores and the differences were statistically significant (higher in FB). The results also showed that students’ self-efficacy mean scores were higher after using FB compared to LB and the differences were statistically significant. Finally, the investigators collected the results of 12 questions from 60 students to assess their perception on the FB teaching strategy and found that preservice teachers favor the use of FB strategy in technology integration course compared to the LB (452 in favor vs. 104 not in favor), (62.90% in favor vs.14.50% not in favor). These results suggest that FB teaching strategy really have positive effect on preservice teachers’ test scores, self-efficacy and the majority of them are in favor of its use in technology integration course. Furthermore, the majority of students who prefer the FB indicated that a reason of favoring this strategy is that it promotes collaboration and hands-on activities during the class time. Other students found that FB strategy had less lecture time, they can work at their own pace, they are able to interact more with the teacher and ask questions and that they do not have to sit and listen to an hour long lecture that “goes in one ear and out the other one”.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)


American Educational Research Association (AERA)

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