An in vitro experimental comparison of Edwards-Duromedics and St. Jude bileaflet heart valve prostheses

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Mechanical Engineering


An in vitro comparison of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the Edwards-Duromedics (DM) and St. Jude (SJ) bi-leaflet aortic valve prostheses is presented. Aortic valves 27 mm in diameter were mounted in a pulse duplicator simulating physiological pulsatile flow using a glycerol solution as the blood analogue fluid. Mean trans-valvular pressure difference (TPD) in systole, the per cent regurgitation (PCR) and the projected valve orifice area (VOA) were compared at a range of flow rates and heart rates to reflect the functioning of the valve under resting as well as exercise conditions. The authors results showed that the TPD for DM (0.99+or-0.28 kPa) valve was slightly larger than the SJ (0.81+or-0.19 kPa) valve (mean difference of 0.18+or-0.26 kPa, P less than 0.05). However, the PCR for the DM (13.6+or-7.8) valve was smaller than the SJ (17.9+or-9.0) valve (mean difference of 4.3+or-4.2%, P less than 0.01). Moreover, VOA for the DM (2.51+or-0.10 cm ) valve was smaller than the SJ (3.13+or-0.04 cm ) valve (mean difference of the 0.63+or-0.10 cm , P less than 0.001). 2 2 3



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Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement


At the time of publication, Richard T. Schoephoerster was affiliated with University of Iowa.

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