Hemodynamic comparison of polyurethane trileaflet and tissue heart valve prostheses

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Mechanical Engineering


In this paper, a hemodynamic comparison of two polyurethane trileaflet heart valve prostheses with currently available biological tissue valve prostheses are made. The valves, sutured to a valve mounting ring are incorporated in a mock circulatory system and tests are performed at various heart rates to cover physiological states from rest to exercise. The measurements included the transvalvular pressure drop, percent regurgitation and the valve opening area. For comparable size valves, the functional characteristics of the polyurethane valves compare favorably with those of the bioprostheses. Such comparisons are valuable in improvements in the design of synthetic valves which can be manufactured relatively inexpensively. With improved designs to overcome problems with fatigue failure and leaflet calcification, polyurethane trileaflet valves can be a viable alternative as heart valve prostheses as well as valve of choice in the artificial heart and circulatory assist devices.

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American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED


At the time of publication, Richard T. Schoephoerster was affiliated with University of Iowa.

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