Place Attachment: A Classroom Project

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2022


Agriculture & Tourism


In studies examining place attachment for five state parks in Oklahoma, researchers found that visitors did not indicate high levels of place attachment. However, repeated visitation to parks over time, did seem related to increased place attachment levels in visitors (Bradley et al., 2013). Research by Semken et al. (2009), found that increased place attachment based on the number of visits, number of visits within the year and length of time spent, created the attachment by using the place attachment scale. This was supported by Lee and Chiang’s (2016) study using Taiwanese fifth-grade environmental-science classes, which found a significant increase in pre/post course in place attachment. Therefore, based on these findings creating an undergraduate or graduate course project may increase place attachment levels for students as assessed by a place attachment scale. This article proposes a course project framework to utilize an experiential education component in a classroom to increase place attachment in students by using a place attachment scale.

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Oklahoma Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (OAHPERD)
