"A Review of Current Special Education Research in Agricultural Educati" by Justin Killingsworth, Anna Ball et al.

A Review of Current Special Education Research in Agricultural Education

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Agriculture & Tourism


This review sought to identify and summarize the results of agricultural education research related to teachers’ perceptions about working with students with special needs. All manuscripts in the Journal of Agricultural Education and available American Association for Agricultural Education research proceedings since the passage of No Child Left Behind legislation (2001) were hand searched and coded. Eighteen studies were identified that met criteria for inclusion in the study. Findings from included studies, consisting of descriptive data and data on selfreported perceptions, were compiled and presented. In the results, studies were arranged in five categories according to the data collected on the perceptions of preservice and practicing teachers toward teaching with students with special needs: (1) preparation and challenges; (2) teacher efficacy; (3) attitudes, knowledge, and skills; (4) competence, success, and confidence; and (5) curriculum, instruction, and strategies. Additionally, conclusions and implications were developed from past research efforts concerning student success and teacher preparation. Finally, recommendations for future research were developed, including observation of positive student outcomes, experimental study of effective teaching practices, investigation of effective methods for preparing teachers, and qualitative study to develop theory within the field.

First Page


Last Page


Publication Title

Proceedings from the Annual Research Conference of the North Central American Association for Agricultural Education, Manhattan, KS


The American Association for Agricultural Education


At the time of publication, Dr. Justin Killingsworth was affiliated with the University of Missouri.

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