Arkansas Tech University College of Business Faculty Scholarship | School of Business | Arkansas Tech University

This is the home of a collection of faculty scholarship and creative works from the School of Business at Arkansas Tech University.

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Submissions from 2005


Service Learning as Pedagogy, Genie M. Black

Evaluating the Efficacy of Credit Card Regulation, Karin Braunsberger, Laurie A. Lucas, and David W. Roach

Wal-Mart Store Expansion in the Arid Lands, Charles R. Britton, Richard S. Smith, and Thomas O. Graff

Supplier Development in a Mass Merchandising Environment, Karen L. Brown, Tami L. Knotts, and Stephen C. Jones

Comparing Web-Based Content Delivery and Instructor-Led Learning in a Telecommunications Course, K. Russell Jones, Farhad Moeeni, and Paula Ruby

Selected Quality Practices of Small Manufacturers, Stephen C. Jones, Tami L. Knotts, and Karen L. Brown


The Impact of High Performance Work System Practices on Small Manufacturer Performance, Stephen C. Jones, Tami L. Knotts, and Wesley A. Scroggins

Selecting and Developing Suppliers for Mass Merchandisers, Kee S. Kim, Stephen C. Jones, and Tami L. Knotts

Does It Matter If Your Company Runs Like a Lexus, a Chevy, or a Yugo?, Tami L. Knotts, Gerald G. Udell, and Stephen C. Jones

How Corporate Sport Sponsorship Impacts Consumer Behavior, Kevin Mason

The Relative Importance of Financial Statement Items for Lending Decisions, Constance A. McKnight and Tracy S. Manly

Dagwood Doesn't Work Here Anymore?: The Denominator, Unemployment, and War, Angela Moore Sparkman, Doh-Kuhl Kim, and Jack E. Tucci


Encouraging Academic Honesty in Student Work, L. Kim Troboy, David W. Roach, and Loretta F. Cochran

Organizational Culture, Commitment and Strategic Participation and the Moderating Effects of Vision, James R. Walton, Jifu Wang, and Ron Sardessai

Using Expatriate Compensation to Achieve Competitive Advantage, Jifu Wang and James R. Walton

Submissions from 2004


Integrating Team Skills into Program Content, Loretta F. Cochran


A Pre-Post -Retention Approach to Assess and Assure Learning in a Business Statistics Course and Beyond, David Roach and Loretta F. Cochran

Submissions from 2003

Linking Shop Floor Performance to Company Objectives, Loretta F. Cochran, J. Wayne Patterson, and Cheryl C. Patterson

Books from 2000

Tyson Foods, Inc., Loretta F. Cochran

Submissions from 1999


Linking Corporate Goals and Shop Floor Performance, Loretta F. Cochran

Tyson Foods, Inc., Loretta F. Cochran

Submissions from 1994

Perceptions of Organizational Support and Age-Appropriateness of the Job as Predictors of Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intentions, and Retirement Intentions, Loretta F. Cochran