Arkansas Tech University College of Business Faculty Scholarship | School of Business | Arkansas Tech University

This is the home of a collection of faculty scholarship and creative works from the School of Business at Arkansas Tech University.

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Submissions from 2014

THE effect of sex ratios on suicide, Masanori Kuroki


Volatility of the Utilities Industry: Its Causal Relationship to Other Nine Industries, Kuo-Hao Lee, Ahmed Y. Elkassabgi, and Wei-Jen Hseih


Partnering Non-Profits with Corporate Sponsors, Kevin Mason, Alice Batch, and Michael Benefield

Submissions from 2013

The Need for Personal Financial Planning for New Accounting Graduates: How Fast Can $100,000 Disappear?, Russell Calk, Mary Jo Billiot, Pamela S. Carr, and Cindy Seipel

Why Do People Use Debit Cards? Evidence From Checking Accounts, Marc Anthony Fusaro

What Explains Consumption and Money Holding in the Very Short Run? Evidence from Checking Account Data, Marc Anthony Fusaro and Donald H. Dutkowsky

The Integration of Fair Value Accounting into U.S. GAAP: 1975-1995, Debra R. Hunter, Stephen B. Shanklin, and Craig R. Ehlen


An Empirical Analysis of Emergency Student Loan Need Signals International Graduate Student may Face an Affordability Challenge Attending U.S. Graduate Schools, Efosa C. Idemudia, Ralph Ferguson, and Dane Ferguson

The Influence of IT-Related Beliefs on Emotional Trust for a Smartphone and Smartphone Continuance Usage: An Empirical Study, Efosa C. Idemudia, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, and Olusola Samuel-Ojo

Crime Victimization and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Happiness Data, Masanori Kuroki

Opposite-Sex Coworkers and Marital Infidelity, Masanori Kuroki

The Paradoxical Negative Association between Subjective Well-Being and the Objective "Happiness Ranking" in Japan, Masanori Kuroki

Consumer Perceptions of Quick Service Restaurants, Kevin Mason, Stephen C. Jones, Michael Benefield, and James Walton

Submissions from 2012

Efficiency in Assessment: Can Trained Student Interns Rate Essays as Well as Faculty Members?, Tracy L. Cole, Loretta F. Cochran, Kim L. Troboy, and David W. Roach

How Product Development Influences Product Evaluation, Stephen C. Jones, Tamya Jean Knotts, and Gerald G. Udell

Internal vs. External Assessment: Are Small Firms Overestimating their Abilities?, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, David Roach, and Gerald G. Udell

Does On-Market Experience Make Products More Attractive to Mass Retailers?, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, and Gerald G. Udell

The Deregulation of Temporary Employment and Workers' Perceptions of Job Insecurity, Masanori Kuroki

A Framework for Intermediated Online Targeted Advertising with Banner Ranking Mechanism, Kai Li, Efosa C. Idemudia, Zhangxi Lin, and Yang Yu

Credit Union Market Share Trends, Mark Reavis


Selecting a Business Major Within the College of Business, David W. Roach, Ronald E. McGaughey, and James P. Downey

A New Control Chart Based on the Loess Smooth Applied to Information System Quality Performance, Zhi Tao, Fengkun Liu, Fanglin Shen, Michael Suh, and David Booth

Submissions from 2011

Charisma Shoe Company Case Analysis, Joan Brumm, Larry Davis, and Edward Bashaw

A Course Format for Problem-Based Learning in Accounting, Russell Calk and Pamela S. Carr

The Inverse U Curve Relationship Between Software Piracy and Technological Outputs in Developed Nations, Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol and Ahmed Y. Elkassabgi

Communications Assessment Deployment: Take One, Tracy L. Cole, Nina Goza, Linda C. Bean, Loretta F. Cochran, and L. Kim Troboy


Attitudes and Influences Toward Choosing a Business Major: The Case of Information Systems, James P. Downey, Ronald E. McGaughey, and David W. Roach

What Explains Consumption in the Very Short Run? Evidence from Checking Account Data, Marc Anthony Fusaro and Donald H. Dutkowsky


An Empirical Analysis that Forecast a High Likelihood of Emergency Loan Need Between Ages 27 to 41 Among Graduate Students for Policy Decisions, Efosa C. Idemudia and Ralph Ferguson

Challenges to Network Security on College Campuses, K. Russell Jones and Tamya Jean Stallings


Inventions and Innovations: Does Stage of Development Matter in Assessments of Market Attractiveness?, Stephen C. Jones, Tamya Jean Knotts, and Gerald G. Udell

Does Social Trust Increase Individual Happiness in Japan?, Masanori Kuroki

Democracy and FDI inflow: Evidence of discordance in Sub-Saharan Africa, Collins E. Okafor, Nacasius U. Ujah, Ahmed Y. Elkassabgi, and Winifred U. Ajalie

Gender within the IT Major - A Retrospective Study of Factors that Lead Students to Select an IT Major, David W. Roach, Ronald E. McGaughey, and James P. Downey

A Retrospective View of the IFRS' Conceptual Path and Treatment of Fair Value Measurements in Financial Reporting, Stephen B. Shanklin, Debra R. Hunter, and Craig R. Ehlen

School Choice and the Branding of Catholic Schools, Julie R. Trivitt and Patrick J. Wolf

Attention Entrepreneurial Small Business Owner (ESBO): Be Your own Internal Auditor, Jack E. Tucci and Kevin L. Ennis

Submissions from 2010

Developing an Essay Approach to Business Ethics Assessment, Loretta F. Cochran, David W. Roach, L. Kim Troboy, and Tracy L. Cole


A Test of Integrity: Remote Proctoring In An Online Class, Loretta F. Cochran, L. Kim Troboy, and Tracy L. Cole

Are 'Bounced Check' Loans Really Loans? Theory, Evidence and Policy, Marc Anthony Fusaro

The Welfare Economics of “Bounce Protection” Programs, Marc Anthony Fusaro and Richard E. Ericson

Traditional View or Revisionist View? The Effects of Monetary Policy on Exchange Rates in Asia, Peng Huang, C. James Hueng, and Ruey Yau

Hedge Ratios For Corn And Soybeans, Debra R. Hunter and Michael S. Luehlfing

Network Security in Two-Year Colleges, K. Russell Jones and Tamya Jean Stallings

Leadership in Female-Owned Firms: The Case of the Health and Beauty Aids Market, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, and Gerald G. Udell

Suicide and Unemployment in Japan: Evidence from Municipal Level Suicide Rates and Age-Specific Suicide Rates, Masanori Kuroki

A Review and Reassessment of U.S. GAAP Fair Value Accounting in Anticipation of IFRS Convergence and International Harmonization, Stephen B. Shanklin, Debra R. Hunter, and Carmen Wilhelms

The Impact of High Stakes Testing on Student Proficiency in Low Stakes Subjects: Evidence from Florida's Elementary Science Exam, Marcus A. Winters, Julie R. Trivitt, and Jay P. Greene

Submissions from 2009


Academic and Non-Academic Dishonesty: A Relational Analysis of Four-Year College Students, Genie M. Black


University Liability and Responsibilities for Sexual Harassment on Campus, Genie M. Black

How Machs Behave: Self and Peer Ratings, Loretta F. Cochran, David W. Roach, and L. Kim Troboy

Open Book Management: A Review of Underlying Systems, Loretta F. Cochran and L. Kim Troboy


Delta Dental Of Arkansas Taking The Next Step, Larry R. Davis, Joan Brumm, and R. Edward Bashaw

MIS versus Computer Science: An Empirical Comparison of the Influence on the Students' Choice of Major, James P. Downey, Ronald E. McGaughey, and David W. Roach

Rank, Stock, Order and Epidemic Effects of Technology Adoption: An Empirical Study of Bounce Protection Programs, Marc Anthony Fusaro

Household-Level Education Borrowing Constraints: Evidence Using the College Attendance of the Sisters of Vietnam Draft Avoiders, Andrew W. Horowitz, Jungmin Lee, and Julie R. Trivitt

Interest-Rate Risk Factor and Stock Returns: A Time-Varying Factor-Loadings Model, Peng Huang and C. James Hueng

The Fate of Gender-Affiliated Products in Mass Merchandising, Stephen C. Jones, Tami L. Knotts, and Gerald G. Udell

Innovation Evaluation and Product Marketability, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, and Gerald G. Udell

Brand Leveraging, Kevin Mason and Alice Batch

NBA Salaries: Money Tree or Money Pit, M. L. Sale and Debra R. Hunter

Authentication and Protection for E-Finance Consumers: The Dichotomy of Cost Versus Ease of Use, Seungjae Shin, Jerry Cunningham, Jungwoo Ryoo, and Jack E. Tucci

A Study of E-Government Infrastructure Through WIFI Implementation: Strategic Pricing to Recover Costs, Seungjae Shin and Jack E. Tucci


Using Information Processing To Build A Private Label Brand In Big Emerging Markets, Rachel K. Smith and R. Edward Bashaw

Submissions from 2008


The Down Home Café, R. Edward Bashaw, Joan Brumm, and Larry R. Davis

Hidden Consumer Loans: An Analysis of Implicit Interest Rates on Bounced Checks, Marc Anthony Fusaro

Can Judges Improve Academic Achievement?, Jay P. Greene and Julie R. Trivitt

Darned if You Due Process, Darned if You Don't - Understanding the Due Process Dilemma for Punitive Damages in Title VII Class Actions, Paul Edgar Harold and Tracy L. Cole

Conditional Risk-Return Relationship in a Time-Varying Beta Model, Peng Huang and C. James Hueng


Doing Business with Wal-Mart: What Sporting Goods Suppliers Should Know, Stephen C. Jones, Tami L. Knotts, and Gerald G. Udell

Market Orientation for Small Manufacturing Suppliers: The Importance of Product-Related Factors, Stephen C. Jones, Tami L. Knotts, and Gerald G. Udell

Characterizing Viability of Small Manufacturing Enterprises (SME) in the Market, Kee S. Kim, Tami L. Knotts, and Stephen C. Jones

The Effect of Strategic Orientation and Gender on Survival: A Study of Mass Merchandising Suppliers, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, and Karen L. Brown


Generic and Specific Skills: Stakeholders' Perceptions and Evidence of Change, Tracy S. Manly, Constance A. McKnight, and Deborah W. Thomas

Maxwell and Company: Staff Auditor Embezzlement at a Small Client, Constance A. McKnight, Pamela S. Carr, and Tracy S. Manly

The Effects of Adaptation, Commitment, and Trust in Cross-Cultural Marketing Relationships, James R. Walton, Ronald J. Salazar, and Jifu Wang

Submissions from 2007


College Pension Funds: A 50+ Year Comparison of TIAA and CREF, Michael E. Benefield and Joseph L. Moore


Virtual Internships in the Business Accounting Curriculum, Genie M. Black and Virginia Bachmen

Corporate Dynamism in the Arid States, Charles R. Britton and Richard S. Smith

On the Road to Recognition: Extending the Attorney-Client Privilege in Arkansas to Insured-Insurer Communications, Tracy L. Cole and Paul E. Harold

Does Child Labor Reduce Youth Crime?, Andrew W. Horowitz and Julie R. Trivitt

Entropy in a Social Science Context, Joseph L. Moore

Adapting to Promote Commitment in International Marketing Strategies, Ronald J. Salazar, James R. Walton, and Jifu Wang

Internet Industry Competition Dynamics: Peering Limitations, Exposure, and Counter Strategies, Seungjae Shin and Jack E. Tucci

Rural Internet Access: Over-Subscription Strategies, Regulation and Equilibrium, SeungJae Shin, Martin B. Weiss, and Jack E. Tucci

School Choice and the Branding of Catholic Schools, Julie R. Trivitt and Patrick J. Wolf

Peer Reviews: Are Web-Based Ratings More Accurate Than Paper-and-Pen Ratings?, L. Kim Troboy, Dave W. Roach, and Loretta F. Cochran

Submissions from 2006

Traditional and Non-Traditional Service Learners: A Pedagogical issue, Genie M. Black

U.S. Labor Force Participation Rates and Generational Values, G. Cole and Richard S. Smith

Supply Chain Management and the Romanian Transition, Daniel A. Glaser-Segura, Jack E. Tucci, and Laurentiu-Dan Anghel

Macroeconomic Determinants of Workers' Remittances: Host vs. Home Country's Economic Condition, Peng Huang and Carlos Vargas-Silva

Using a "balanced approach" to measure merchandising supplier performance, Tami L. Knotts, Stephen C. Jones, and Gerald G. Udell

Student Integrity, Kevin Mason

The Effects of Humor and Goal Settings on Individual Brainstorming Performance, David W. Roach, L. Kim Troboy, and Loretta F. Cochran

Internet Pricing: Best Effort Versus Quality of Service, SeungJae S. Shin, R. F. Cope, and Jack E. Tucci

A Study of Internet Industry Structural Determinants With Interconnection Strategies, SeungJae S. Shin, Jack E. Tucci, and Danie Glaser-Segura

2+2 Banded Frameworks of Interconnectedness: Industry Structure Determinants, SeungJae S. Shin, Jack E. Tucci, Martin B. H. Weiss, and Hector Correa

Are Online Classes for Everybody?, L. Kim Troboy, Loretta F. Cochran, and David W. Roach

Individual Characteristics of Early Technology Adopters, L. Kim Troboy, David W. Roach, and Loretta F. Cochran

The Internationalization of American Business Education: Are U.S. Business Students Less Ethnocentric?, James R. Walton and Peter Basciano